Monday, July 2, 2012

The UFO Intelligences

Why is information about the UFO Intelligences so secret?

That question isn’t about government or asking it to tell something.

The question isn’t about what’s known; it’s about what isn’t known.

From ancient times to today, the writings and eyewitness accounts of the UFO Intelligences continues, yet secret they remain. Why is this?

The hard work of research tangents many specialized paths to determine facts. This writer believes that facts from specialized researches will combine one day to provide complete answers. Until then, should a path be taken to matters of mind, as well?

Because of their experiences, many eyewitnesses and abductees have disclosure. What isn’t known about the minds of those that would seek further disclosure from their governments?

The UFO Intelligences operated in ancient times as they do today, that is, outside government control. Although people look to “external authorities” for answers, maybe the UFO Intelligences don’t. Perhaps they operate as individual sovereigns, without hierarchical constructs of power and control. Could such differences account for what isn’t known about them after all this time?

Consider a governments’ viewpoint of not wanting to admit it doesn’t know everything about the UFO Intelligences, and is not respected by them, either. As authoritarian regimes go, the same applies to religions, desiring that people come only to them for answers about the UFO Intelligences. However, the question not being about government or religion: What isn’t known about people's minds on the UFO Intelligences?

History demonstrates people's minds attract to the constructs of “assumed truths” on which their governments and religions are built. How deeply does that contrast to the UFO Intelligences’ minds? Are the UFO Intelligences’ minds aligned in congruence with the reality of the universe, whatever it is?

I don’t know the answer and can’t prove anything, however, this writer surmises that the “mind gap” between people and the UFO Intelligences is the reason the UFO Intelligences choose to remain secret.

Who are the UFO Intelligences?

They’re human and human-like beings whose minds evolved in congruence with the reality of the universe. Unlike earth’s human species, their minds don’t miss the mark of what is real.

As independent sovereigns, each pursues their strengths, abilities, and interests; yet, together they gain values and progress collectively. They operate without hierarchical constructs of power and control. They understand the physics of consciousness: Yes, such knowledge is in the universe. They’re business-like; because gaining advantages for survival in the universe, and to complete their mission in it requires they use consciousness, mass, and energy efficiently. Investments of resources for interactions with societies of earth human beings aren’t efficient because returns from those don’t exceed the investments. They limit their contact with Earth to their particular needs: whether chemical, biological, or genetic.

What are they doing?

They’re living throughout the universe: learning to survive nature’s wraths, achieving biological immortality, discovering the physics of consciousness, gaining everlasting life, exploring the universe, creating galaxies, working to stabilize the universe.

Some visit earth because they live on planets or star systems nearby. Others visit by using knowledge of the physics of consciousness to travel at distances and speeds incomprehensible to earth human being's concepts of mass, speed of light, and time. A few are inside the earth, on its surface, and deep in its oceans.

Both history and today's research suggest they do as they please and take what they want.

What do they want?

UFO Intelligences want to complete their mission in the universe. They work in common with other UFO Intelligences throughout the universe. Their mission is to stabilize the universe. The goal of their mission is to prevent a “big bang” from ever happening again. The work of that mission is to create galaxies continuously until all lifeless matter and spirit consciousnesses are melded.

As for their personal missions to places like earth, they want things they can use to benefit themselves physically. Because earth human intelligence misses the mark of what is real in the universe, the UFO Intelligences take what they want guiltlessly.

They want talents and abilities, and take these from whomever they choose. They extract these from the DNA of abductees. This doesn’t make their abductees special people. Abductees are just people that have something the UFO Intelligences want.

How are earth human beings reacting to them?

Most earth human beings react to the UFO Intelligences the same as any other subjects they don’t know much about: they make things up about them.

Another response is fear, because of the unknown.

Many people see them as a potential new authority, which at some time in the future; can answer those age-old questions about life and the universe, which religions, governments, and mystics have not done to their satisfaction.

Many react not to the UFO Intelligences, but to authorities who they believe must know about them and aren’t telling.

Few people react by dedicating themselves to scientific study, and, analysis of past and current events to determine facts themselves, about the UFO Intelligences. Given the state of human minds, integrations of researcher facts, is the best way to understanding the UFO Intelligences and finding answers to questions about them; because most human minds want proof of reality: a process the UFO Intelligences consider most inefficient and wasteful of resources.

Few people react by gaining conscious control of mind, to communicate with the UFO Intelligences.

How will the extraterrestrial presence affect the future of earth's human species?

The extraterrestrial presence will not affect the future of earth's human species; instead, earth's human species will affect its future one person at a time.

Disclosure of the UFO Intelligences occurs to each person individually and naturally without need of external authority or other “proof."

To know the UFO Intelligences, people indentify and neutralize a condition of mind. That condition causes minds of human beings to miss the mark of what is real in the universe. It’s a single negative common to minds of the human species of earth. When that one condition of mind is discovered, and then understood by the person, it soon becomes null; a barrier in the mind falls, and that person’s mind becomes congruent with extraterrestrial minds. Instantly, disclosure is complete for that person.

The process builds exponentially from person to person, and then, to all human beings of earth. All have disclosure then: traditional organizations of control fade as earth’s humanity moves ahead with the UFO Intelligences.

Research about the UFO Intelligences raises people's consciousness, and speeds up the process. Nevertheless, more research is needed to explain that earth human minds are “blocked” and why the UFO Intelligences’ minds are “unblocked.”

Synopsis for the Book: Alien Witness

Investigator Scott Jones solves the case:  Unlike mortal humans of earth, most human life elsewhere in the universe is immortal.  Suspects in the case are an earthly couple, but Scott discovers he’s a pawn in their scheme to join the immortals.  Moreover, he finds, the couple is responsible for the extraterrestrial and ghostly encounters he’s experienced from childhood to this day.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thoughts on:

Extraterrestrials’ intentions -

Extraterrestrials have been visiting earth for thousands of years. If they wanted to harm us, they would have done so already.

1: Military’s initial assessment in the 1950’s was – not hostile.

2: Extraterrestrials are recorded in ancient writings and through to the present; they would’ve been hostile by now.

Extraterrestrials relate to us the way they do, because our minds process differently, than theirs: this doesn’t mean they are evil and not human.

Extraterrestrials’ advanced technology -

Extraterrestrial civilizations younger than Earth’s civilization have advanced technology that greatly exceeds the technology of Earth’s civilization.

The notion that civilizations must be magnitudes of years older than ours to have technology far more advanced than ours isn’t true.

Many newly created civilizations easily evolve to surpass us technologically.

ET Societies that are advanced beyond us technologically aren’t necessarily older than us.

Human life in the universe -

Human Beings exist throughout the universe. Human Beings live on planets in galaxies throughout the universe. The majority of human civilizations in the universe know everlasting life, and not death. Earth’s civilization is not included in that majority.

Earth’s civilization is crippled by sin. Most extraterrestrial civilizations are not crippled by sin.

In humans, sin is a way of mind.

Earth civilization’s mind –

Using one’s mind in a manner inconsistent with nature’s reality causes a “slow virus” to form on one’s brainstem. That slow virus causes people’s aging and death.

Earth civilizations’ minds make believe what is real.

Humankind’s superstition on earth misses the mark of what is real in the universe.

Consciousness –

Consciousness is a thing that exists in abundance throughout the universe.

Many people speaking of the holy spirit or god’s omnipresence, represents evidence of physical consciousness.

People aren’t sure what consciousness is, yet as physical beings in the universe, their physical bodies sense something they can’t see. Their superstition misses the mark in explaining what it is.

Earth’s civilization has yet to discover the physics of consciousness.

Other dimensions -

Beliefs of other dimensions are evidence of physical consciousness, which when understood scientifically; represent levels of consciousness in the same universe.

Why the cover-ups don’t matter -

Governments may have the most information of the kind the people already have about extraterrestrials; this doesn’t mean there are things governments just don’t know about the extraterrestrials.

Government doesn’t want people to know there are things it doesn’t know about extraterrestrials.

Government’s desire is that people continue to look to it for answers on the subject of extraterrestrials.

Government’s disclosure to the citizens, of what they know about extraterrestrials, does not change the extraterrestrials’ preference to contact and work with sovereign individuals and to shun authoritarian leaders of governments and other similarly structured organizations.

Disclosure –

Understanding how our human problem on earth derives and makes us different from our human brothers and sisters throughout the universe, helps us understand why the conspiracy theories don’t matter.

Implications of disclosure mean changes; new ideas help people understand what disclosure would mean to the human civilization of earth.

As disclosure approaches, the precepts put forth in Alien Witness, help humankind alter their fundamental paradigms of how they view themselves, humanity, and the universe, and allow a non-threatening, non-authoritarian format to quicken the disclosure process.

Authoritarian schemes and hierarchical organizations are not parts of extraterrestrials’ cultures.

Aging and death are a disease. Everlasting life abounds throughout the universe.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Carson Dane Interview

How did you decide to write the book?

For years I’d seen the TV shows and heard the radio shows about aliens, extraterrestrials, UFOs, and the paranormal. Along with all the speculation, I’d had some ideas about it all. Those ideas became itches I wanted to scratch, so I wrote the book.

How did you get started?

The adult education department at the local junior college offered a seminar about self-publishing. That convinced me that writing and getting published were possible.
Later, I attended a small seminar for writers: to succeed, I’d have to write to produce values for my audience.

How did you go about writing it?

I was working fulltime plus overtime at my regular job to make ends meet. I started writing 4 to 12 hours per weekend at home. After three years, I had my self-edited manuscript, and then one more year for manuscript evaluation, professional editing, proofreading and formatting, and publishing.

What surprised you the most?

Candice was a character I developed and brought into the manuscript to make the plot arch work better. Candice describes crab-like and marine mammal-like extraterrestrial visitors: what surprised me was how quickly and easily the descriptions of those flowed from my mind to the word processor. The same thing happened when writing about Suzie and Scotts’ encounter with a Darkonge. Those scenes, descriptions, and actions were seamless pieces of writing for me.

Were there any other surprises?

After publishing, I was doing some research on the internet, and came across something known as “Altairians”: not as portrayed in video games or television shows, instead, as described on websites about the unexplained, paranormal, and alien races. I’d written not about specific races or species, rather, about general types of mind. So given my impression overall of what I’d written, a subtle suggestion of something Altairian surprised me, and wondering how that could be.

Altairian? Do you mean a contingent of Nordics, Greys, Reptilians, and a Terran military presence working together?

Something such as that, though more species of what I call the Realcit type, such as the Hosts and other Human-like Beings, and some Animal-Hybrid characters are included in my writing.

You said, and I quote, “The book puts a completely new perspective on life here, in outer space and in other worlds throughout the universe.” How does it do that?

It develops and introduces the concept of Realcit. Realcits are human beings whose minds evolve in congruence with the nature of the universe, quickly attaining biological immortality, and then, everlasting life. In the book I suggest that the universe is actually full of human life, and that, most of it is of the Realcit type.

How does that put a perspective on life here?

To describe mortal human beings I developed the concept of Anticit. Anticits are humans in whose minds create a nature of the universe that is not real and never can be real, thereafter defaulting to mortality, after a life subject to the rules of their leaders.

You also say, “It introduces a new philosophy about different minds in the universe and what they mean for our society.” Can you expand on that?

Understanding the principles of Realcits opens minds to understanding Anticits’ problem – our problem here on earth. Discussions between characters in the book uncover and reveal how dishonest leaders here control and manipulate the masses of people.

So you’re saying we here on earth are among the mortal Anticits in the universe and the Realcits are the majority out there among the galaxies; what other risks did you take in writing Alien Witness?

In suggesting the Realcit types live forever and are the majority of conscious life in the universe, I surmised the common driving goal for them to be the stabilization of the universe. Then using my imagination I wrote “The Story of Mantis”. The Story of Mantis is a very short story within the book, about how the universe might be transitioning from cycles of “big bangs” to stability.

Any other ideas or themes in the book?

At times, some of the characters in the book discuss consciousness and reincarnation. The idea about consciousness is that it has properties that can be understood and manipulated by highly advanced human beings of the Realcit type. Then there’s speculation about reincarnation not working as intended here – and why.

You describe several paranormal and extraterrestrial encounters in Alien Witness. Did those happen to you?

The answer to that question is the subject of my next book...

Thanks for the interview.

You're welcome.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

great new book

Do you want to read an interesting book? Let me suggest Alien Witness by Carson Dane. It's the story about a man who gets abducted from childhood and throughout his adulthood. The story evolves with many twists and turns. You're going to have a hard time putting the book down.